Have you been to this store? It is my new favorite store! The prices are amazing! EVERYTHING in the store is $9.98. I just bought my girls down jackets for yes, $9.98! And they are machine washable too! You can find clothing for the entire family from the smallest/youngest to the biggest/oldest! They have summer, beach wear to business attire. Even the teenagers can find their stuff too, the store is filled with the teenagers shopping! They have school uniforms and back packs too! The store is along the lines of Old Navy. Sarah Jessica Parker has a clothing line exclusively at this store. I recently bought a pair shoes from her shoe line and they are cute and comfortable too! I just bought cute tennis shoes for Kristina, $9.98! Love it! I am all about finding a good deal! This store is at the Karcher Mall in Nampa. It is an easy stop off of the freeway now with the new exit 33A.
Been there! It is great isn't it? One of my very first posts was about Steve & Berry! Unfortunately I can't fit into much but my kids can!
Jeni, with buying for my kids over the years and liking nicer name brands but not the high price tags, I choose to shop A LOT at Marshalls and Ross! If you haven't checked them out, I really suggest doing it!
Happy shopping!
I love Ross and Marshalls and TJ Maxx too! Fortunately my kids haven't gotten into the name brand stuff too much yet so I can get away with more than I will in a few short years from now! I only have 1 teenager with an opinion about fashion choices! The rest are still heavily influenced by me, poor kids!
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