Monday, March 24, 2008
New Easter Dresses
Living Portrait Museum
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Food Meme
What is a Meme anyway? I have seen them floating around. So I googled it and found this cool link all about Memes. The Daily Meme
So thanks to LDS Mom, here is my first Meme!
What do you usually eat for breakfast? I love to have some toast and oatmeal, not the instant, flavored kind. I love fruit too! But a lot of mornings lunch comes along and I have fogotten about breakfast!
Have you ever tasted caviar? No, not interested.
What is your favorite cookie? Warm, homemade chocolate chip oatmeal.
Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks? I usually like sweet, but if I eat a salty I usually have to follow it with a sweet!
Do you drink milk or are you lactose intolerant? I was lactose intolerant until I got pregnant! Now I can drink milk but don't much unless with a warm cookie or certain meals that milk just tastes good with!
Do you like spinach? I love canned spinach with some vinegar! Ohh my mouth is watering!
Do you like liver? NO!!!!
Do you prefer milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Milk chocolate everytime! I'd rather not have any if it's not milk chocolate!
Italian, Chinese, or Mexican food? I have favorite dishes in each but I would probably choose, well, it depends on the day I guess.
Do you chew gum? No.
I tag anyone who reads this blog. Copy this post, switch my answers for yours, and post the Food Meme to your blog.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Baby LOVES watermelon
Monday, March 17, 2008
Link to a great digital scrapbooking site
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Digital Scrapbooking

We are avid photographers and will take dozens if not more of the many family events like birthdays, at the park, holidays, etc. Since we have gone digital it is not exaggerating to say that I have thousands of photos from the last 8 years. That would be a fortune to print and scrapbook! Not to mention the time it will take! I have kept their school photos and miscellaneous awards and papers all organized in their scrapbooks. It is just the photos of birthdays, Cub Scouts, Christmas, etc. that are not there!
My children love to get their books out and look at them and remember all of the stories that they have been told about themselves. This is especially true of my 3 children from Kazakhstan. They each have 1 and a half books chronicling their lives from Kazakhstan to the present (what I have done).
With the digital scrapbooking world exploding I am anxious to try and scrapbook the impossible pile of digital photos that are collecting digital dust! There are so very many freebies out there for digital scrapbooking so I don't have to drive to get the paper or other scrapbook needs! I don't have to clear a space on my craft table or clean-up when I am done either!
So here is my first digitally scrapbooked page. It was totally fun! I designed the whole thing using Photoshop. I have been using Photoshop for awhile as the webmaster for my children's school. ( The big photo in the background is of all the cars for the race, with Carson and Logan's cars 3rd and 4th up from their photo in the center.
The possibilities are just as endless are they are when you are using scissors and paper! More to come!!!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Blogging and Baking....
Okay, so I started making cookies for the kids after school snack. The first batch turned out beautifully! I then loaded up the baby into her stroller and away we went to meet the kids at the bus. We all came home, had some cookies and I proceeded to put another batch into the oven. I set the timer. Kids were working on their homework around the table. Grandma Murphy was there with them, someone had the baby so I thought "Aha, a moment to blog!" Upstairs I went since my laptop I had in the kitchen had died! :( Then 10 minutes went by, 20 minutes went by, and I think I smell something! "Hey Kristina, did you turn the timer off?" "Yes mom I did !" I ask myself why would I smell burnt cookies and ran downstairs. I found that yes they had turned the timer off 10 minutes ago when it went off but had only just pulled the cookies out of the oven! Needless to say they were just a little over done, I mean burnt!!!!! And this was the batch that I put nuts into for Steve. I NEVER cook with nuts! I thought chopped pecans sounded good in my oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!(Pregnancy has changed me!) I was so proud of myself for putting nuts in! I was so frustrated with the kids that they would run up and just turn off the timer without telling me or looking into the oven since they knew I was making cookies for them! Well the moral of this story is not to bake and blog at the same time! (The cookies were so burnt, that Steve, who likes crunchy cookies, spit out the bite he took!!!!)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Printing your blog
I found a cool tool! It is a widget to add to your blog so your blog can be printed in nice format without all of the sidebar info. This widget is put onto your blog page and will show you your current month's posts and let you choose which to print. There is a printer icon at the end of every post after you have posted. Or you can use the button that is installed. It then generates a PDF of your posts! It looks great! Give it a shot!
Printing Your Blog
So sweet....
After making 4 loaves, there is only one left. I think if I get back to making bread regularly the novelty of fresh bread will wear off and it won't disappear as fast as it comes out of the oven. It sure does taste good!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet - Feller's Cake Bake
At one point we had all three boys in Cub Scouts doing a car, talk about exciting! Now ONLY two doing this stuff! This is our last Feller's Cake Bake and last Pinewood Derby! In September Logan will be going on to 11 year old Scouts and January '09 Carson will be done with Cub Scouts too! It's a good thing Steve is the Scoutmaster! I am not sure how I am going to get three boys to get their Eagle Scout done!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My Afternoon Naptime Treat
I have been surfing through the blogosphere and found a great quilting blog. I have placed a link in my Fun Blogs section to Crazy Mom Quilts. This gals is quite the quilter and has online tutorials and videos. She also has quilt-a-long that looks quite fun! Check it out!
Holidays are more fun with baby!
There are many debates over whether the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa Clause are real or not. When they ask me I just tell them those who don't believe, don't receive!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Good Book
Locks of Love!!!
We have grown Katie's hair long and really haven't cut it except for a trim here and there over the last 8 years. She had really short hair when we brought her home from the Orphanage. Recently, she decided that she would use the curling iron on her own and did a pretty good job. She has loved putting soft curlers in her hair at night to have curly hair, and not just for Sundays.
Yesterday I had my sister cut my long hair off. When Katie came home from school she saw my shorter hair and decided today was the day for her too! We have been measuring quite frequently to see if her hair is long enough to send to Locks of Love. And yes it was long enough to donate and still have hair that would be close to her shoulders. Locks of Love makes hair pieces for children with cancer. I thought it would be a cool thing for Katie to know that she could help some other little girl who is very sick to feel pretty and not feel bad about losing her hair. I told her it seemed silly to just throw the hair away if we could wait just long enough so we could donate it we could do something really nice for someone else.
So Katie tells me to be quick so she doesn't change her mind! Her shorter hair is very cute and makes her look so grown up!