Saturday, April 10, 2010

Do I really have to share my toys?

Emily is a very happy girl almost all of the time, really. So when she starts to throw a fit, which doesn't happen often, we just want to laugh. Today we have three extra little boys here for the day and they all want to play with Emily's toys. She was a little upset by the thought of having to share. Her brothers and sisters are so much older and don't try to play with her toys so sharing is not part of her life at home. She does share very well at nursery at church however. This photo captures the drama and it just tickles us!

Incase you notice the green marks on her hand, another two-year old moment explains the marks. Emily was coloring, which she will do many times a day, for over a half-an-hour, sitting at the table or laying on her tummy on the floor. Emily comes to me and says "look Mommy, a happy face!" She was so pleased with herself. She had drawn a happy face on her hand. I told her what a lovely happy face she had drawn and then I reminded her that we draw on paper only. It warms my heart everytime I see the green marks on her hand. She was just being a two-year old and it is quite fun to get to be a part of her life!

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