Monday, April 27, 2009
Miss Independant!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Techno bonding time...
Emily loves to sit on Steve's lap and see whatever he is working on or watching on his laptop. If he has headphones on, she has to listen too. She is very considerate and puts the earphone back when she is done for the moment. This was just too cute not to take a shot of it!d
I was on Facebook chatting with a friend in Arizona and my son Logan asks what I was doing. I told him I was chatting online with a friend that moved away. He then says to me "Is there something wrong with the phone?"
I Love Good Quotes...
I found this quote a few days ago on another blog that I follow, Up On My Soapbox. I just had to add it to my quote book. For me it is thought provoking and a well needed reminder.
Real charity is not something you give away; it is something that you acquire and make a part of yourself. And when the virtue of charity becomes implanted in your heart, you are never the same again...
Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don’t judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another’s weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other." --Marvin J. Ashton
Fossil Hunting....
One of Steve's friends told him about this road-side fossil bed just outside of Murphy, Idaho. So we loaded up the crew and headed out there last Saturday morning. ALL of the kids had fun, even Emily. We took Aunt Tami and Grandma Lockhart along. Everyone got into the dig. We all found our share of what look like fossils to us, but they are probably not that old. Who knows. Fun was had by all and that is what matters most!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sprinkler fun...

The kids had fun this afternoon playing in the water at my sister's house while I got her sprinkler system started up for the season. I took these shots with my cell phone so the quality is awful, but you get the general idea. They are wet and they are having fun!
Emily loved playing the water too as long as she could get herself out of the way of the water when she was done!
Go do a jig...
Have you seen this "Where the heck is Matt?" on YouTube?
This guys does a jig in cities all around the world. It is kind of cool to see all the places he goes and has gone. He has been doing this for a few years now and I believe has sponsors now too.
Anyway, while out on our fossil dig this last weekend we stopped to plug coordinates into the GPS and Steve told the kids to get out and do a jig. Logan remembered this Matt video knew what to do right away. A couple siblings decided to join him rather reluctantly. We die laughing now when we watch this. At the time there were a few tears.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Prisoner Gets Out.....
We recently received our prize from Gogurt, the Flip video camera. The kids were all excited to make a movie and Katie was the first to present her script for production.
Emily gets to drive...
When we went shopping recently we put Emily into one of these fun carts. She couldn't have been more pleased! Now if I could just convince my kids that this is what they get to drive when they are 16 life would be good! Jon is 14 and counting down to his driving time.
We finally did it....
The girls(Katie) have been begging for quite awhile to get their ears pierced. I finally gave in after Katie had continued, for about a month, showing me how responsible she was. I checked around on the prices of piercing ears and found that the cheapest way of doing it was buying self-piercing kits at the beauty supply store. How hard can it be right? When it came time to do it I marked their ears and then I chickened out. Luckily we were with my sister and she was more than willing to do it! What are Aunt's for anyway if they don't pierce their niece's ears right?
Happy Birthday Mother!
In her sister's shoes....
Katie put her shoes on Emily and then Emily got up and walked off just like they were her shoes. It was so cute!
Easter Fun...
Easter is so much fun with a little one. The excitement for the big kids is in the treats. But everyone has fun watching and helping Emily.
Easter Dresses
I finished Emily's Easter dress and told her to go and show Daddy. She marched right into the other room where he was working and stood there rather proudly. She is so much fun!
Easter Crafts
As my reward for surviving Spring Break I decided to do a little quilting. I found this great pattern for a table runner and found the cutest fabric to make into an Easter table runner. Everyone thought it was so cute, even Steve!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I can hardly wait!!!!
A few years ago, at BYU Women's Conference, this pianist performed at the Thursday night concert. He was so incredible. Very talented pianist and funny too! He made an encore performance the next year too. He makes classical piano exciting! We were driving through Nampa yesterday and saw the LDS bookstore's sign advertising his concert coming in May! We stopped and bought tickets and I can hardly wait! He is so good!
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